Avanzando, 7th Edition

Gramática española y lectura

Precise grammar explanations, engaging readings, and a flexible organization are just a few reasons why Avanzando is so effective in high-intermediate to advanced Spanish courses, both for heritage and non-heritage students. Featuring a new thematic approach that exposes students to current topics, Avanzando continues to offer a comprehensive look at Spanish grammar.

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What sets this program apart?

The flexible organization of the text, which has been tested and refined through six editions, encourages students to build on their current Spanish language skills and learn more advanced grammar points while developing their cultural knowledge and critical thinking skills, all in Spanish.

The clear grammar explanations and thorough practice activities are complemented by engaging, theme-based readings in each chapter in Part I, and a selection of short stories by well-known Spanish and Latin American authors in Part II. Reading activities encourage close reading and analysis of the texts, and are designed to develop critical thinking skills and generate class discussion.

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Digital at your fingertips

The Supersite is our easy-to-use digital platform, fully integrated with the student textbook and built exclusively to support language learning.

Students visit the Supersite to complete their homework, practice Spanish, and communicate with their class. Instructors rely on the Supersite for powerful course management, allowing you and your students to focus on language learning.

Product details

  • Author
    Carmen Salazar, Rafael Arias, Sara Lequerica de la Vega
  • Lessons
  • Published

For students

  • Student Edition textbook (loose-leaf)
  • Supersite with vText—the online, interactive student edition
  • WebSAM online student workbook

For instructors

  • Instructor Supersite with testing program, assignment calendar, and additional instructor resources
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