Our story. Your success.
Your proven partner in creating powerful, memorable teaching and learning that last a lifetime.
People power
Guiding our efforts is expertise gained working as multicultural educators, advocates, writers, editors, and technological experts—all committed to language and literacy education.
Higher education sales management
Meet our higher education (HE) sales management team, whose singular focus is creating amazing experiences for instructors and students.
"The best part about learning a new language is being able to explore exciting places, meet new people, and learn about different cultures."
Kim Nentwig
Vice President of HE Sales & Marketing
“My passion for languages stems from their ability to open doors and create opportunities in life: real and intelligent communication with people outside of one's own culture.”
Ashly Dewberry
Central Regional Sales Manager
“I am excited to be part of the Vista Higher Learning team because of our commitment to creating the highest quality solutions to meet the needs of language learners.”
Anne Clark
Eastern Regional Manager
“I believe learning a modern language opens doors for students to speak a new language, and to think globally.”
Adair McDonald
Western Regional Sales Manager
"Working at Vista Higher Learning reminds me daily of the importance of understanding and appreciating different cultures. It is truly a dream to work here!"
Kari Smith
Customer Success and Onboarding Manager
“On a trip to Italy I became impassioned about the study of modern language. Nothing else can truly connect you to a different culture in the way the study of language can.”
Dan O’Reilly
Digital Success Specialist
“It is a joy to now work with educators all over the country and support them as they share with students the knowledge of, and experiences with, other languages and cultures.”
Julie De Alba
Director of Regional Sales Training; Southeast Regional Sales Manager
K–12 sales management
Meet our K–12 sales management team, whose singular focus is creating amazing experiences for teachers and students across the nation.
“Working for Vista allows me to continue a very personal mission—providing instructional resources that lower fear and frustration in students to help them own their learning.”
Hector Morales
Vice President of K–12 Sales & Marketing
“As an English language learner myself, I’m passionate about the power of multilingualism and its multiple benefits to students…and mankind in general.”
Arturo Castillon
Vice President, K–12 Strategic Partnerships
“Every human being, no matter how far across the world they live, shares in the human experience, which bonds us all together.”
Charlie Hanchett
Director of Sales, Western US
“I’ve always believed that bridging the language gap can be the beginning of understanding other people and cultures.”
Shannon DiStefano
Director of Sales, Eastern US
“I believe that when people have knowledge of different languages, they’re able to make deeper cross-cultural connections.”
Layla Lamchahab
Regional Sales Manager, East Region
“After my experience working in publishing for over 30 years, Vista is such a refreshing change! Vista is unique in that we specialize in developing materials for
Pat Williams
Regional Sales Manager, California Region