Lingüística aplicada 2nd Edition

Adquisición del español como segunda lengua

The need for qualified Spanish language and bilingual education teachers in school districts across the country presses colleges and universities to train competent, linguistically proficient teachers. Lingüística aplicada: Adquisición del español como segunda lengua, prepares future teachers by providing them with essential knowledge and concepts. It covers important aspects of the Spanish language, cultural context, second language acquisition, and technology and assessment issues.

What sets this program apart?

Lingüística aplicada: Adquisición del español como segunda lengua, Second Edition, challenges prospective teachers to develop critical thinking skills in preparation for making meaningful choices as they select materials, prepare texts, and meet unforeseen problems in the classroom. To this end, throughout the text students are challenged to take a more active role in their training and ask themselves why and how.



Product details

  • Author
    Dale A. Koike, Carol A. Klee
  • Lessons
    10 chapters
  • Published

For students

  • Student Edition

For instructors

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