Encuentros ©2026
Middle and high school students join the adventure and learn Spanish as they travel to fascinating places in the Spanish-speaking world. Encuentros builds intercultural communicative proficiency through an integrated storyline, as well as through highly motivating, communicative, skill-oriented instruction and practice. It is now available with four levels for high school, plus two levels of technology—Supersite and PRIME.
Where Communication and Culture Meet
Students create a solid linguistic and cultural foundation, preparing them for college- and career-level Spanish.
- New Level 4: Four levels for high school, with updated authentic content and AP® prep in Level 4.
- Supersite and Prime: Supersite grants access to all textbook content in robust, interactive digital format, while PRIME introduces additional enhanced features designed for digital-first classrooms.
- Focus on CI and Language Acquisition: Encuentros is now more adaptable to a wide range of teaching styles, providing increased support for Comprehensible Input (CI) and acquisition-driven instruction strategies.
- Un chin de… Video Series: The same video bloggers you love in Un chin de, now with more prominence in the text and more interpretive communication practice.
- CI Readers: Two new culturally relevant readers per level (levels 1-3), with student activities and teachers’ guides for seamless lesson integration.
Digital at your fingertips
vhlcentral is our easy-to-use digital platform, fully integrated with the student textbook and built exclusively to support language learning. Encuentros is available with two levels of technology—Supersite and PRIME.
- Everything you need to plan, teach, and assess
- Updated Interactive vText
- Practice activities with auto-grading and immediate feedback
- Plenty of media—authentic, cultural, and instructional
- News and Cultural Updates with monthly content additions
- Grammar tutorials entertain and inform students
- Robust assessment program with customizable test bank
- Communication tools to get students talking
Product details