Portails 2.0: Introductory French

Portails 2.0: Introductory French puts students first by providing valuable opportunities for them to practice and explore the target language. Our progression of content breaks lessons down into manageable portions and guides students through the active learning steps that are required to learn a new language. They’ll build a strong foundation for language development, both in and out of class.

What sets this program apart?

Portails features a premium level of technology developed specifically for language learning that deepens and enhances the student-directed learning experience with its progression of interactive instructional activities, personalized diagnostics, and speech recognition. Easy-to-use customization features provide flexibility for instructors.

NEW to this edition:

  • 2024 Silver Telly Award Winning Roman-photo video series filmed in Paris. This episodic video series features students living in Paris navigating situations and themes that your students can relate to, while introducing vocabulary and grammar in a comprehensible and engaging way. The series also thoughtfully includes diversity and inclusion.
  • A Project-Focused learning track, which incorporates a theme-based project into every lesson
  • Group Chat and Individual Recording Activities that allow single or multiple students to record a video production exercise
  • Panorama Culturel videos with integrated quick-checks to check understanding while students watch and ensure they are active viewers
  • Portails also incorporates Court métrage short films, Le Zapping, Flash Culture, and cultural readings as springboards for discussion and writing, while providing innovative digital tools to help students develop their proficiency.
  • Student Portfolio is an integrated digital tool that allows students to curate a collection of work showcasing their language learning progress, growth, and achievements over time. These collections illustrate the student’s experience and the products of their learning, becoming meaningful through reflection, which facilitates students' understanding of their learning and what they can do with the language.


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The Portails advantage

Portails is designed exclusively for language learning, and includes robust resources for instructors, including Learning Tracks for easy course setup, time-saving gradebook analytics, auto-graded activities, and personalization tools for use in the classroom, online, or in hybrid environments.

This program deepens and enhances the student learning experience with its unique progression of interactive instructional activities, personalized diagnostics, and groundbreaking language learning technology, such as speech recognition.

The learning activities and features are designed to keep students engaged every step of the way with dynamic vocabulary tutorials in the target language, interactive grammar tutorials, and culturally rich video. With Portails, students can explore and learn at their own pace.

Product details

  • Author
    James Mitchell, Cheryl Tano
  • Lessons
  • Published

For students

  • Student Edition textbook available in print and digital (online vText) fomats
  • Online reference materials
  • Supersite with a wide variety of interactive activities
  • And more!

For instructors

  • Instructor's Manual
  • Instructor Supersite with gradebook, assignment wizard, and additional instructor resources
  • And more!
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