Nuevo diccionario esencial Santillana An essential tool to have in any classroom, this dictionary has what you need, and then some! With more than 37,000 definitions with idioms, this valuable tool includes examples of usage, synonyms, antonyms, grammatical observations, composite nouns, locutions, and word families.
Sol y luna These titles expose students to great literary works, from myths and legends to adaptations of the classics. Included are a nonfiction text and illustrations that further explain and explore the topic presented in the literary selection.
Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos This handy reference tool includes principal synonyms and antonyms for more than 20,000 words, grouped alphabetically by meanings. Ideal for writing assignments and vocabulary development. Slang and Americanisms are also included.
Diccionario Escolar Ilustrado
With photos on each page, this dictionary is a fun and practical way for students to learn about concepts that are most important to them. It includes a 16-page insert with spectacular photographs on physical geography, landforms, natural disasters, and the animal world, including animals in danger of extinction.
More than 44,000 definitions. More than 24,000 entries. More than 550 photos.
Nuevo Diccionario básico de la lengua Española
Grades K-6
This easy-to-use Spanish-language dictionary includes close to 28,000 entries. Provides short, simple definitions and includes essential synonyms and antonyms and regular and irregular verb conjugation tables.