Buenas noches This picture book series features Spanish titles and best-selling translations that motivate the youngest readers to explore the world around them through beautifully illustrated and developmentally appropriate titles by award-winning authors and illustrators. Leveled for Guided Reading, spanning B–P.
Ciencia Básica: Click Click This series of informational picture books explores core science concepts in a simple, accurate, and entertaining way. They're written and endorsed by children’s authors and scientists who are experts in the specific subjects.
Ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemática: ¿Tu futuro? Students explore a variety of careers in all areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. The Next Generation Science Standards promote early scientific literacy by laying the foundation for deeper understanding across the physical sciences, life sciences, and earth and space sciences.
Conozcamos nuestra economía This series serves as an essential starting point for learning the basics of our economy. Students follow the ways in which the economic cycle affects lives, and the importance of financial responsibility. Complex topics and vocabulary are explained thoroughly and supplemented by helpful images and diagrams.
Cuentos para celebrar This best-selling series of picture books showcases why it’s important to respect and appreciate the differences, traditions, and culture of important American holidays. It includes literary and informational text selections, with lesson plans and worksheets for each title. The complete series set includes audio CDs.
Cuentos para todo el año Alma Flor Ada’s classic series helps young readers build literacy skills, make content-area connections, and develop a love of reading.
Cuentos traviesos Margarita Robleda’s newest collection of fun-to-read and beautifully illustrated stories each has a mischievous twist designed to amuse and engage beginning readers.
Documentos de la democracia de Estados Unidos Writing has shaped American history from the time of the Pilgrims. Students discover the many written documents that played a role in early American democracy, from the Mayflower Compact to the Emancipation Proclamation. Historical images and primary sources are included throughout each volume.