Lecturas fonéticas: Cuentos para practicar la fluidez
Young learners engage with decodable readers in big book and little book format! Ideal for group instruction. These simple stories emphasize phonetic patterns, gradually scaffolding and spiraling the vocabulary containing them as students transition from syllable recognition to text decoding.
Cuentos traviesos Margarita Robleda’s newest collection of fun-to-read and beautifully illustrated stories each has a mischievous twist designed to amuse and engage beginning readers.
Fácil de leer This K–2 series of literary and informational texts with easy-to-read stories is ideal for beginning and struggling readers. Students have the option of reading the English version as well as the Spanish version. A reading strategy anchor chart is included in each book.
Lecturas gráficas
Lecturas gráficas DE IMPACTO combine engaging topics, exciting illustrations, and carefully leveled text appropriate for young readers. This series includes a variety of genres—nonfiction, adventure, mystery, riddles, and more—with cross-curricular connections to math, social studies, and science topics. Teacher support Handbook included.
Para leerte mejor This series of folktales, fairy tales, and fables is sure to engage young readers. K–2 students can now access these classic stories in a format and reading level ideal for emergent readers.
Rana, Rema, Rimas Margarita Robleda’s “feel-good” series of amusing stories motivates young readers to learn, recite, and share words and language.