Repase y escriba, 8th Edition

Curso avanzado de gramática y composición

Repase y escriba, 8e combines comprehensive grammar coverage and ample practice with contemporary readings from a variety of sources, including literature, magazines, and newspapers. Written for advanced grammar and composition or advanced composition and conversation classes, the units are organized by themes that are varied, relevant, and interesting. In this edition, nine chapter themes have been updated to include important public discussions relevant to today’s society.

What sets this program apart?

Written for advanced grammar and composition or advanced composition and conversation classes, Repase y escriba combines solid grammar coverage with contemporary readings from a variety of sources, including literature, magazines, and newspapers. The units are organized by contemporary themes that are varied, current, and interesting.


NEW to this edition:

  • Brand new design to make the user experience as intuitive as possible and facilitate the learning experience
  • Content revised for appropriate and current views with updated contemporary chapter themes such as knocking down stereotypes, Spanglish, urban art, ethics in technology, and cultural identity
  • Manageable activities to promote engagement
  • Updated and expanded content: new authentic readings with new activities, audio-sync technology, new hybrid readings with integrated authentic videos, and new partner chat activities.


View a sample

 Digital at your fingertips

Experience the Repase y escriba Supersite, an unparalleled digital learning environment with integrated content, resources, and tools built exclusively to support language learning.

  • Plenty of Practice: Program-specific, theme-based practice activities with auto-grading and immediate feedback
  • Engaging Media: Episodic, character-driven videos, authentic cultural videos, and synchronous video chat activities
  • Vocabulary Tools: Clear vocabulary and grammar instruction, cultural and authentic readings, short films, and animated interactive grammar tutorials
  • News and Cultural Updates: Monthly content additions
  • Communication Tools: Partner Chat activities get students talking in a fun, interactive, low-stakes setting, and online forums encourage discussion as students post and respond to text or audio posts

Product details

  • Author
    María Canteli Dominicis
  • Lessons
  • Published

For students

  • Student Edition available in print and digital (online vText) fomats
  • WebSAM—the online Student Activities Manual (Workbook activities with instant feedback and grading)
  • Supersite with a wide variety of interactive activities
  • And more!

For instructors

  • Instructor Supersite with all-in-one gradebook, testing program, communication center…
  • Additional instructor resources such as answer keys, videoscripts, reading list…
  • And more!
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