Sag mal, 3rd Edition

An introduction to German language and culture

Sag mal gives introductory students a comprehensive overview of German language and culture. Students incorporate structures and vocabulary from a variety of sources, including text, video, and live communication practice, with opportunities for skill-building in every lesson.

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What sets this program apart?

Interactive grammar tutorials add a little humor to engage students, stimulate the brain, and help with memory retention. Grammar tutorials entertain and inform students by pairing grammar rules with fun explanations and examples.

Examples of local, regional, and global German-speaking culture are incorporated throughout Sag mal. Highlights on countries, customs, expressions, and the arts are integrated into the lesson themes and structures.

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Digital at your fingertips

The Supersite is our easy-to-use digital platform, fully integrated with the student textbook and built exclusively to support language learning.

Students visit the Supersite to complete their homework, practice German, and communicate with their class. Instructors rely on the Supersite for powerful course management, allowing you and your students to focus on language learning.

Product details

  • Author
    Christine Anton, Tobias Barske
  • Lessons
  • Published

For students

  • Student Edition textbook (hardcover or loose-leaf)
  • Supersite Plus with vText—the online, interactive student edition
  • WebSAM online student workbook

For instructors

  • Instructor Annotated Edition textbook
  • Instructor Supersite with testing program, assignment calendar, and additional instructor resources
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