Rana, Rema, Rimas Margarita Robleda’s “feel-good” series of amusing stories motivates young readers to learn, recite, and share words and language.
Relatos de la naturaleza This beautifully illustrated award-winning series of nature stories provides memorable and factual reading experiences for young children, and an opportunity for them to deepen their appreciation of the natural world.
Roald Dahl Series Roald Dahl has been referred to as one of the greatest storytellers for children of the twentieth century. Discover his work through some of his most popular stories.
Rosemary Wells series Through Eduardo’s adventures, the author delights us once again with her warmth and humor.
Proyectos paso a paso The books in this series model how-to projects for young readers, helping them understand how to follow the steps in a process, as required by the Common Core State Standards for Reading Informational Texts. These fun projects encourage readers’ creativity, while instructing them on technical processes.
Símbolos de nuestro país It’s never too early to learn about the greatest symbols of the United States. In this series, students follow a relatable narrator as they are introduced to iconic symbols—from the American flag to the bald eagle—and learn simple, accessible facts about what they are and why they're important.
Social-Emotional Learning Libraries
These libraries consist of ten literary and informational high-quality titles that address the core SEL competencies —Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision Making—to help students develop healthy skills, habits, and mindsets that are essential for living a happy and positive life.
Stink In every book of the Stink series, readers see Stink questioning, investigating, and discovering the world around him.