Torre amarilla This series features renowned authors from the Spanish-speaking world. All titles are quality translations of long-standing English-language best-sellers and include literary and informational texts, chapter books, short stories, mysteries, classics, and social studies-related topics. Leveled for Guided Reading, spanning S–X.
Torre azul This series features renowned authors from the Spanish-speaking world. All titles are quality translations of long-standing English-language best-sellers and include literary and informational texts, chapter books, short stories, mysteries, classics, and science-related topics. Leveled for Guided Reading, spanning R–U.
Torre naranja This series features renowned authors from the Spanish-speaking world. All titles are quality translations of long-standing English-language best-sellers, includng rhyming stories, folktales, and mysteries. Leveled for Guided Reading, spanning H–M.
Torre roja This series features renowned authors from the Spanish-speaking world. All titles are quality translations of long-standing English-language best-selllers, including chapter books, short stories, classics, and mysteries. Leveled for Guided Reading, spanning M–U.
Yo opino… Authentic Spanish series for opinion writing
Yo Opino… (In My Opinion. . .) is an authentic Spanish multi-level children’s book series written by award-winning Cuban-American author Andrés Pi Andreu, featuring argumentative texts written by fictional elementary school students about a variety of important topics relevant to students’ day-to-day life.