VHL offers an advanced integration
Vista Higher Learning offers an advanced integration with your learning management system (LMS) that goes beyond single sign-on capability. Using the LTI-Advantage 1.3 standard, your department can set up links in the LMS to your program's student dashboard or single activities, as well as sync the Vista Higher Learning gradebook to your LMS course gradebook.
Single sign-on: Instructors and students can now authenticate to and access their Supersite or Portales course from within their LMS course.
Activity deep linking: Instructors can browse activities available in a Supersite or Portales course and dynamically create links to those activities. Students can access and complete activities via links within the LMS course.
Gradebook sync: Instructors can create LMS gradebook columns and exchange Supersite or Portales activity progress and scores with the LMS gradebook. Students can complete Supersite or Portales activities within the LMS course and have progress and scores exchanged with the gradebook.