Intermediate Sueña, 5th Edition 2023 Español sin barreras | Curso intermedio breve
Designed to strengthen students’ intermediate Spanish language skills and develop cultural competency in a one-semester course, Sueña features a fresh, magazine-like design with authentic short films and readings, and weaves thematic, cultural, and grammatical concepts throughout each of its lessons.
Intermediate Enlaces, 3rd Edition 2023 Nivel intermedio | Curso intensivo
Enlaces is an intensive, one-semester intermediate Spanish program that features a fresh, magazine-like design with authentic short films and readings that weaves thematic, cultural, and grammatical concepts throughout each of its lessons.
Intermediate Zona libre Contemporary young adult novels by prestigious authors This award-winning series of contemporary young adult novels introduces students to the works of prestigious Latin American authors such as, Paula Andrea Bombara (Argentina), María García Esperón (Mexico), Luis López Nieves (Puerto Rico), Ana María Machado (Brazil), and Pedro Badrán (Colombia).