Intermediate Immagina, 4th Edition 2025 L’italiano senza Confini
Designed to strengthen students’ language skills and develop cultural competency, Immagina provides students with an active and rewarding learning experience. It features a fresh, user-friendly design and short films by a diverse group of award-winning Italian-speaking filmmakers that better reflect Italy today and correlate with the themes and concepts in each of the ten lessons.
Intermediate Crescendo! 3rd Edition 2016
Building on the success of earlier editions, the main goal of the Third Edition is to encourage students’ active and creative use of Italian in meaningful communication. To promote this goal, Crescendo! reviews and expands on all important grammatical structures and supports the acquisition of vocabulary while stressing the use of Italian in meaningful contexts. Chapters are thematically organized; the vocabulary and grammar reinforce students’ ability to express their thoughts on the featured topics.