Advanced Avanzando, 7th Edition 2013 Gramática española y lectura
Precise grammar explanations, engaging readings, and a flexible organization are just a few reasons why Avanzando is so effective in high-intermediate to advanced Spanish courses, both for heritage and non-heritage students. Featuring a new thematic approach that exposes students to current topics, Avanzando continues to offer a comprehensive look at Spanish grammar.
Advanced Cara y Cruz 2021
Students explore the classics in a whole new way. Each title in Cara y Cruz offers students two books in one. Cara introduces students to the unabridged classic work, and Cruz supports comprehension through literary articles about the work and the author, an author biography, and a comprehensive timeline of the author’s life and work in a cultural and historical context.
Advanced Clásicos Loqueleo 2021 As an instructor, how can you make the classics appealing to your students? That’s where this collection comes in, taking the critically acclaimed classics and making them relevant to students in the twenty-first century. Includes study sheets, literary workshops, lexical notes explaining vocabulary and expressions, and cultural notes outlining historical and literary references.
Advanced Lingüística aplicada 2nd Edition 2013
The need for qualified Spanish language and bilingual education teachers in school districts across the country presses colleges and universities to train competent, linguistically proficient teachers. Lingüística aplicada: Adquisición del español como segunda lengua, prepares future teachers by providing them with essential knowledge and concepts. It covers important aspects of the Spanish language, cultural context, second language acquisition, and technology and assessment issues.