Personajes del Mundo Hispánico Biography Series This series of authentic titles offers students the opportunity to travel in time and get to know firsthand some of the most influential Hispanic historical figures, including Pablo Neruda, Gabriela Mistral, and Pablo Picasso, among others.
Puertas al sol / Gateways to the Sun This striking series highlights the tenacity and the achievement of Hispanic culture, fostering an appreciation and respect for Latinos and their contributions to society. From poetry and art to theater and biographies, students discover amazing people, stunning places, and beautiful works in each collection.
Roald Dahl Series Roald Dahl has been referred to as one of the greatest storytellers for children of the twentieth century. Discover his work through some of his most popular stories.
Social-Emotional Learning Libraries
These libraries consist of ten literary and informational high-quality titles that address the core SEL competencies —Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision Making—to help students develop healthy skills, habits, and mindsets that are essential for living a happy and positive life.
Sol y luna These titles expose students to great literary works, from myths and legends to adaptations of the classics. Included are a nonfiction text and illustrations that further explain and explore the topic presented in the literary selection.
Torre amarilla This series features renowned authors from the Spanish-speaking world. All titles are quality translations of long-standing English-language best-sellers and include literary and informational texts, chapter books, short stories, mysteries, classics, and social studies-related topics. Leveled for Guided Reading, spanning S–X.
Torre azul This series features renowned authors from the Spanish-speaking world. All titles are quality translations of long-standing English-language best-sellers and include literary and informational texts, chapter books, short stories, mysteries, classics, and science-related topics. Leveled for Guided Reading, spanning R–U.
Diccionario de sinónimos y antónimos This handy reference tool includes principal synonyms and antonyms for more than 20,000 words, grouped alphabetically by meanings. Ideal for writing assignments and vocabulary development. Slang and Americanisms are also included.