Gente que cambió el mundo
This New York Times best-selling series tells the story of five significant historical figures in a simple, conversational and playful way. Each of the five picture-book biographies focuses on a character trait that makes the hero a role model for kids.
Girl Power Biographies This collection of trade books includes authentic Spanish and translated best sellers that highlight the contributions of notable women to the fields of science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics (STEAM), and sports from the ancient to the modern world.
Grace Award-winning authors introduce kids to the American electoral system and the branches of the government, as well as the struggles and joys that come with being a public servant. This New York Times best-selling series teaches readers the value of hard work, courage, and independent thought.
La historia oculta Budding historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists will find plenty to unearth in the sites and discoveries of this thought-provoking series. Each volume provides critical information about significant subjects and time periods to support key issues in the elementary social studies curriculum.
Participación cívica: Luchar por los derechos civiles The past has seen great movements for equality in the United States. This series explores these movements, including the key figures and events that fueled movements such as civil rights, women's suffrage, disability rights, American Indian rights, and Mexican American rights.
Palabras de grandes Award-winning Big Words series, now in Spanish
The critically acclaimed and award-winning Big Words series by Doreen Rappaport introduces students to the lives of our nation’s most compelling historical figures, including Martin Luther King Jr.; Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, Wilma Mankiller, and Frederick Douglass.
Personajes del Mundo Hispánico Biography Series This series of authentic titles offers students the opportunity to travel in time and get to know firsthand some of the most influential Hispanic historical figures, including Pablo Neruda, Gabriela Mistral, and Pablo Picasso, among others.
Puertas al sol / Gateways to the Sun This striking series highlights the tenacity and the achievement of Hispanic culture, fostering an appreciation and respect for Latinos and their contributions to society. From poetry and art to theater and biographies, students discover amazing people, stunning places, and beautiful works in each collection.