Avanza/Boost Personalized and adaptive online learning for Spanish/English literacy success
Avanza/Boost is an adaptive, data-driven biliteracy solution built on the Science of Reading. It helps teachers identify literacy gaps in Spanish and English, track student progress, and provide targeted instruction and practice opportunities through phonics books, authentic texts, video lessons, quizzes, games, and more.
La cartilla, 2nd Edition Four-part workbook series; two per grade
La cartilla is a powerful print and digital Spanish-language phonics system for grades K–1 that follows a structured literacy approach. This comprehensive, standards-based solution is designed to engage young readers as they build foundational literacy skills, vocabulary, and reading comprehension skills.
A+ Spanish Literacy Kits Literacy solution for bilingual and dual language classrooms
A+ Spanish Literacy Kits offer a balanced library of Spanish-language children’s books—informational and literary—with standards-based lesson plans. Each kits includes a wide range of titles in various genres and levels of text complexity* to support students at all stages of their literacy journey.
*Based on Lexile and the Fountas and Pinnell GR Leveling System.
A+ Mentor Texts for Writing Kits Writing instruction for bilingual and dual language classrooms
A+ Mentor Texts for Writing Kits help students become confident, independent writers. Each grade-level kit includes an array of teacher resources and print mentor texts that encourage students to analyze reading selections and then emulate the authors’ craft when creating their own writing pieces.
Español Yabisí 2021 Spanish Language Arts
Español Yabisí is a comprehensive Spanish language arts program that develops language and literacy skills through a balanced literacy approach. This ideal solution also builds critical thinking skills through high-interest readings and activities.
En Español 2021 Spanish Language Arts
En Español is a comprehensive Spanish language arts program that builds communication skills for real-world purpose and develops language and literacy skills through authentic literature from Latin America and Spain.
Entre palabras 2015
Entre palabras is a series of activity books for grades 1–6 that builds spelling and grammar skills through a variety of high-interest activities. Make spelling and grammar practice fun for students with crossword puzzles, word-picture matching, word search puzzles, and more!
Entre letras 2020 Spanish Language Arts
Entre Letras is a supplemental reading program for elementary that supports balanced literacy. It engages students with short readings from all over the world and a range of text types, along with reading strategies that support reading comprehension. The program includes writer’s workshop activities.