Introductory Vistas, 7th Edition 2024
Vistas, 7e contains interactive grammar and vocabulary practice, engaging media, and communicative tasks, introductory students gain confidence and cultural understanding. Delivering a fresh, student-friendly approach, the seventh edition makes students’ learning—and instructors’ teaching—easier and more successful.
Introductory Dicho y hecho, 11th Edition 2024 Beginning Spanish
Dicho y hecho, 11e is a research-based, class-tested, communicative introductory Spanish program. The 11th edition has been fully updated and redesigned, making the teaching and learning experience more rewarding, current, and inclusive.
Intermediate Portales 2.0: Intermediate Spanish 2024
Portales 2.0: Intermediate Spanish puts students first by providing valuable opportunities for them to practice and explore the target language. Our progression of content breaks lessons down into manageable portions and guides students through the active learning steps that are required to learn a new language. They’ll build a strong foundation for language development, both in and out of class.
Advanced Repase y escriba, 8th Edition 2024
Repase y escriba, 8e combines comprehensive grammar coverage and ample practice with contemporary readings from a variety of sources, including literature, magazines, and newspapers. Written for advanced grammar and composition or advanced composition and conversation classes, the units are organized by themes that are varied, relevant, and interesting. In this edition, nine chapter themes have been updated to include important public discussions relevant to today’s society.
Intermediate En tu medio, 2nd Edition 2024
En tu medio, 2e incorporates a communicative approach that emphasizes high-interest, culturally relevant input. Every aspect of this program was designed with the twenty-first-century learner in mind. It features a highly visual format, student-friendly themes, a focus on youth culture, plus authentic short films, blogs, social media, profiles of real people, and readings that help students forge a personal connection to the target culture.
Intermediate Enfoques, 6th Edition 2024
Enfoques, 6e takes an interactive, communicative approach designed to provide students with an active and rewarding learning experience as they strengthen their language skills and develop their cultural competency. It focuses on real communication in meaningful contexts to develop and consolidate students’ speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.
Intermediate Facetas, 6th Edition 2024
Facetas, 6e takes an interactive, communicative approach designed to provide students with an active and rewarding learning experience as they strengthen their language skills and develop their cultural competency. It focuses on real communication in meaningful contexts to develop and consolidate students’ speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.